ADU SMART Learning Center

Supporting learning, scholarship, and institutional excellence

The ADU SMART Learning Center is dedicated to supporting Abu Dhabi University faculty in utilizing inclusive, student-centered, and evidence-based learning and teaching practices and in effectively delivering ADU colleges' online courses and programs.

Lead and inspire innovative teaching

Annual Faculty Professional Development Day

Professional Development is the primary vehicle to achieve the overall purpose of improving teaching and learning effectiveness and increasing student achievement. Therefore, a well-designed professional development program is an essential component of ADU's efforts to achieve its mission and goals. Effective professional development is research-based and driven by multiple forms of data, individualized to allow for differentiation in adult learners, and provides ADU faculty members with the skills and knowledge needed to meet the needs of very diverse student populations. 

Date: Thursday, 17 February 2022
Location: Al Ain Campus Auditorium


Chancellor's Speech

Prof. Waqar Ahmad

10:00 AM - 10:10 AM

ADU Smart Learning Center

ADU Teaching and Learning Insights

Prof. Thomas Glas-Hochstettler

10:10 AM - 10:25 AM

ADU SMART Learning Center

Dr. Mohammad Ftieha
Director, ADU SMART Learning Center

10:25 AM - 10:45 AM

SMART Teaching and Learning: Best Practices

Dr. Ayman Massouti
Assistant Professor of Education Studies

Dr. Mohammed Ghazal
Chair and Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

10:45 AM - 11:45 AM

Digitalization of Syllabus Design

Dr. Hamad Odhabi
Vice Chancellor for Administrative and Financial Affairs,
Director of Al Ain & Dubai Campuses

11:45 AM - 12:15 PM

Break and Lunch

12:15 PM - 1:00 PM

Retention: Student Success, Engagement, and Employability

Student Retention in Higher Education:
Why Students Choose to Remain at University

Dr. Johanna Nieuwoudt
Southern Cross University

1:00 PM - 1:30 PM

The Role of Faculty in Student Retention and Engagement

Dr. Sreethi Nair
Dean, College of Arts and Sciences

1:30 PM - 1:50 PM

Undergraduate Programs and 21st Century Skills
(ADU Graduate Attributes)

Prof. Philip Hamill
Associate Provost for Research and Academic Development

1:50 PM - 2:10 PM

ADU Employability and Internship Strategy

Dr. Chakib Farhat
Acting Director of Student Affairs

2:10 PM - 2:20 PM

Data Analytics in Student Success

Dr. Heather Friesen
Executive Director, Institutional Research and Effectiveness

2:20 PM - 2:40 PM

Coffee Break

2:40 PM - 3:00 PM

Panel Discussion: In an everchanging
educational environment, the future of student success

Professor Sherine Farook
Professor of Accounting, College of Business

Dr. Deena Elsori
Associate Professor of Biology, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs,
College of Health Science

Ms. Deenaz Kanji
ASC Coordinator, Senior Instructor of Social Science,
Department of Humanities and Social Science,
College of Arts and Sciences

Dr. Apostolos Kyriazis
Associate Professor of Architecture, College of Engineering

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM


4:00 PM


ADU SMART Learning Center

Our Speakers

Dr Hamad Odhabi
Vice Chancellor for Administrative and Financial Affairs & Director of Al Ain & Dubai Campuses

Dr. Hamad Odhabi

Deputy Director Al Ain Campus and Director of the Centre for Smart Learning

Dr. Mohammad Ftieha

Professor and Chair of Electrical and Computer Engineering Department

Dr. Mohammed Asaad Ghazal

Dr. Ayman
Assistant Professor of Education Studies

Dr. Ayman Massouti

Retention: Student Success, Engagement, and Employability
Southern Cross University

Dr. Johanna Nieuwoudt

Dean, College of Arts and Sciences

Dr. Sreethi Nair

Prof Phil Hamill
Associate Provost

Prof. Philip Hamill

Acting Director of Student Affairs

Dr. Chakib Farhat

Executive Director, Institutional Research and Effectiveness

Dr. Heather Friesen

Panel Discussion: The Future of Student Success in an Everchanging Educational Environment
Associate Dean for Student Enrollment and Success & Professor of Accounting

Prof. Sherine Farouk

dr.deena elsori
Associate Dean of Student Affairs & Associate Professor of Cell Biology

Dr. Deena Elsori

Senior Instructor of Social Sciences

Mrs. Deenaz Kanji

Assistant Professor of Architecture

Dr. Apostolos Kyriazis

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