ADUi project office: ADU innovation engine

Built and actively supported by innovators, entrepreneurs, and researchers

ADU Innovate (ADUi) serves as the engine for innovation and entrepreneurship education and advancement at Abu Dhabi University.

ADU innovation engine

ADUi Project Office

ADUi combines a personalized approach with lessons learned from successful innovators and entrepreneurs. We research and promote evidence-based practices. Programs, stand-alone events, and opportunities are relevant, accessible and available to all students, faculty, and staff. The ADUi educational experience combines hands-on, project-based learning with real world challenges and extensive external engagement.

ADUi initiatives prepare students to adapt, thrive, and lead in innovation and entrepreneurial roles with established companies, government, social ventures, and startups. ADUi is committed to supporting students, faculty, staff, and our communities of reference success by cultivating an inclusive environment of collaboration, shared understanding, connections, and impact.

Optimize the positive impact of the innovation


To optimize the positive impact of the innovation and entrepreneurship research, education, and training for Abu Dhabi University students, faculty, staff, established companies, government, and communities of reference. In ADUi, we collaborate 1) to (research and innovation pillars) nurture conditions for the (incubation pillar) realization of personal and group potentials, economic and environmental values, and inclusive and sustainable societal improvement. And 2) to contribute to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and the UAE’s innovation strategy through sustainable and inclusive research, innovation, and incubation strategies.

Act as mediators between our community


Research Pillar

To act as mediators between our community of practitioners and established companies and governments to leverage on research and academic knowledge and satisfy pressing needs, developing innovation leaders, and solving urgent and longer-term goals. Goal: to pool ADU researchers to address actual companies and government’s needs.

Innovation Pillar

To empower community changers and innovation leaders by developing and delivering innovation and entrepreneurship education programs that help innovators and entrepreneurs to gain knowledge, skills, entrepreneurial capacities, firsthand experiences and connections. Goal: to set the ground for the innovator’s mindset based on research and experimentation.

To encourage social and environmental thinkers and innovators to develop their initiatives to revert the social and environmental damages of the Anthropocene and find ways to contribute to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and the UAE’s National Innovation Strategy. Goal: to use collaborative events to address Anthropocene’s grand challenges.

To add and grow the ethical impact on innovation. Goal: to insert ethical principles in the R&D and business model innovation processes in public and private sectors.

Incubation Pillar

To incubate selected initiatives from Abu Dhabi University students, faculty, staff, and selected relevant community members that strike a balance between novelty, replicability, impact, fast response, proactivity, and agility in addressing pressing or highly demanded solutions intersecting economic, social, and environmental concerns. Goal: to grow ADU innovators’ projects beyond ideas to address actual government, social, private, and household needs and pains.

To empower women and individuals from under-represented and impoverished communities, including youth, disabled, elderly, families, migrants, refugees, by mentoring and coaching them through their journeys towards developing sustainable innovative initiatives in their respective contexts. Goal: to nurture women and individuals from unfavored communities to onboard existing projects and launch innovation projects.

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