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May 25, 2023

Deadlines. Deadlines. Deadlines.

They’re the bane of every student’s existence, and yet, somehow, we can’t seem to get enough of them. They give us the perfect excuse to procrastinate until the very last minute, and then rush to complete our work in a frenzied panic. After all, what’s more exciting than the looming threat of a due date hanging over our heads? It’s like a thrilling game of chicken with our grades and sanity on the line.

And who can forget the added bonus of deadline-induced sleep deprivation? There’s nothing quite like pulling an all-nighter to complete a project or study for a test, only to feel like a zombie for the rest of the week. It’s a rite of passage for every student, and it’s not really university until you’ve experienced it once (or twice, or thrice).

Now, as cool as it sounds, we all know waiting to pull off tasks at the last minute isn’t practical (or even healthy) in the long run. If you’re stuck in an endless loop of procrastination and finding it difficult to meet deadlines, read on for 5 tips that can help:

Tips for Student Productivity:


Don't-be-afraid-to-be-mediocre 1. Don’t be afraid to be mediocre

No one procrastinates on tasks they enjoy doing. It’s only when it comes to tasks we feel anxious about or are uncomfortable with, do we actively try to avoid them. If you feel that you’re not up to a particular task, or that you still haven’t planned all its details, remind yourself that it’s okay to begin with something rough and work on polishing it later. After all, no one creates a masterpiece on the first try.


Take-the-first-step 2. Take the first step

It’s tempting to put off work until the last minute, but starting early will help you build momentum and avoid procrastination altogether. So the next time you feel like putting something off, promise yourself that you’ll just do 5 minutes of work, and get started. Once the 5 minutes are up, chances are you’ll feel much more motivated to continue working. Or at least you’ll have 5 minutes worth of work done :).


Break-down-your-tasks 3. Break down your tasks

“There is only one way to eat an elephant: a bite at a time.” It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when tackling big tasks like writing a research essay or working on a complex project. In such situations, try working backwards and breaking your task into smaller, bite-sized chunks, just like how you’d eat an elephant. This will make it much more approachable and easier to digest. Or you know, work on.


Reward-yourself-for-a-job-done-well 4. Reward yourself for a job done well

Every time you finish a task, reward yourself for completing it. A reward could be something simple like treating yourself to a nice cup of coffee, or watching an episode of your favorite show (or both). Having a reward system will help you stay focused and motivated when working on long, arduous tasks.



Don't-get-caught-off-guard 5. Don’t get caught off guard

Deadlines are like road bumps; if you don’t notice them coming, you’re in for a wild ride. To avoid crashing into your deadlines, use a notebook, calendar, or digital planner to keep track of your upcoming assignments, quizzes, and projects. This will help you stay organized and avoid the stress that comes with forgetting an important date.

And that, folks, is how you can ace your deadlines while still keeping your sanity in check. Remember, deadlines can be stressful, which is why it’s important to prioritize your wellbeing and ask for extensions if you’re struggling to meet them. Sure, every once in a while you’ll have to embrace the rush of completing a task at the eleventh hour. After all, what can beat that sense of triumph when you pull off a last-minute save?

This article has been written by Rejoy Thomas Mathew, an engineering student studying at Abu Dhabi University's Al Ain campus.

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