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Abu Dhabi University Inaugurates Its World Class Innovation Center

Abu Dhabi University (ADU), an internationally recognized academic institution for quality education and applied research, today opened their state-of-the-art, multi-purpose innovation center, addition to the ADU facilities designed to nurture and foster innovation across a range of different sectors. The inauguration ceremony rounded off ADU’s activities and contribution to UAE Innovation Month, a month-long campaign aligned the UAE government’s National Innovation Strategy.

The inauguration ceremony was attended by HE Ali Saeed Harmal Al Dhaheri, Chairman of ADU Executive Board and Petra Turkama, Director of Innovation and Assistant Professor of Management along with deans, faculty, staff students from the university.

HE Ali Saeed Bin Harmal Al Dhaheri said: “This new innovation center articulates ADU’s commitment to fostering talent and shaping future leaders in the UAE, and complimenting the UAE’s outstanding achievements across the industries. The University is committed to playing a major role in contributing to the UAE’s vision of building a generation of innovative citizens.

"The ADU Center for Innovation adds another dimension to our offerings, alongside the University's track record of outstanding academic achievements which has already established the University as a state-of-the-art national institution for attracting and qualifying influential individuals in various disciplines."

Petra Turkama said: “The center will provide a platform that will embed innovation in the DNA of the future generations, promote new ideas in a wide range of different fields and also ensure efficiency and output. ADU is keen to contribute to the UAE innovation strategy through its support of young talents and the out-of-the-box projects and ideas emanating from the country and the region.”

She affirmed that the center will implement a wide range of events such as workshops, seminars, executive talk series hackathons to develop innovation skills and mindset. The center will also support the ADU Entrepreneurship Club in the development and implementation of new ideas. Moreover, it will offer field visits to selective companies, as well as various executive education programs that address innovation and the evolution of ideas and business.

“The center will also build a culture of innovation into the ADU’s Al Ain and Dubai operations, with activities targeting ADU students, innovators across the UAE, high school students, corporate executives and life-long learners.” She added

Throughout the month-long innovation festival, Abu Dhabi University had organized a series of events across its three campuses in Abu Dhabi, Al Ain, and Dubai to instill the spirit of innovation and creativity among its community, including dedicated thought workshops, exhibitions, seminars, conferences, and daily inspirational story classes.

In a landmark move, ADU has launched a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Combining theory with experiential learning, the degree program will prepare students to seize future entrepreneurship opportunities.

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