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Resident Assistants Programs at ADU Dormitories

Residents in the Male and Female Dormitories were introduced to new cultures, values, and lifestyles through challenging programs that lead to a supportive exchange of ideas and experiences.

Residents in the Male and Female Dormitories were introduced to new cultures, values, and lifestyles through challenging programs that lead to a supportive exchange of ideas and experiences. To support the students in overcoming any anxiety during the tense exam period, the Resident Assistants at ADU Dormitories organized stress prevention programs. The fantastic feedback we received from the residents regarding the Residential Programming left us speechless and we will always remember it.

Female Dorm RA Programs

Personality Development
Employability Workshop
Fire Safety Tips
Diversity is No Adversity
Programs Feedback Meetings

Male Dorm RA Programs

Stress Relief Program
Volunteering Opportunities at ADU
Manage Anxiety During the Stressful Exam Period
Program Feedback Meetings

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