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Paper by Dr. Sanjay Singh Published in The Journal of Business Research

Dr. Sanjay Singh, Associate Professor of Management in the College of Business, is pleased to announce the publication of his paper in the Journal of Business Research (ABS 3* & ABDC A Category).

Dr. Sanjay Singh, Associate Professor of Management in the College of Business, is pleased to announce the publication of his paper in the Journal of Business Research (ABS 3* & ABDC A Category).

The paper, entitled ‘Territoriality, task performance, and workplace deviance: Empirical evidence on the role of knowledge hiding’, examines why and when people hide knowledge and the impact of this on task performance and workplace deviance.

Apart from theoretical implications, the study offers three key managerial implications for encouraging employees’ prosocial and arresting anti-social job behaviors: 1) Organizations should design jobs in a way that encourages employees to exhibit interdependency rather than independency or dependency in the workplace; 2) Organizations can reduce knowledge hiding behavior through co-ownership of knowledge and team focused performance appraisal and reward systems; 3) Organizations should adopt a ‘buy-a-talent’ selection strategy to hire prospective employees with functional job-related attitudes and competencies rather than juggling amongst ‘make-a-talent’, ‘buy-a-talent’, or ‘make-buy-a-talent’ as an HR selection strategy. 

Singh, S.K. (2019), ‘Territoriality, task performance, and workplace deviance: Empirical evidence on role of knowledge hiding’, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 41, pp.10-19.

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