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ORSP Seminar on Bibliometrics and Boosting Citation Impact

hrough the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP), Abu Dhabi University was pleased to welcome Mr. Philip Purnell to conduct a seminar on Understanding Bibliometrics and Boosting Citation Impact.

Through the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP), Abu Dhabi University was pleased to welcome Mr. Philip Purnell to conduct a seminar on Understanding Bibliometrics and Boosting Citation Impact. Mr. Philip is the Founder and Director of the Research and Publishing Division at Knowledge E and the regional ORCID Ambassador.

The seminar introduced faculty to publication and citation analysis and provided an in-depth understanding bibliometric indicators commonly used today at both an individual and university level. Calculate of h-index, Journal Impact Factor, and the Field-Weighted Citation Impact, which is used by various quantitative evaluation systems, were also discussed. In addition, Mr. Purnell suggested strategies for improving the citation impact of Abu Dhabi University as a whole.

The ORSP would like to extend its appreciation to all those who participated in this highly interactive seminar.


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