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ADU Faculty Submit Proposals for the Department of Education and Knowledge (ADEK) Funding Programs

Following the announcement by the Department of Education and Knowledge (ADEK) of the 2019-2020 round of its two funding programs, ADU’s community of active researchers set to work preparing proposals.

Following the announcement by the Department of Education and Knowledge (ADEK) of the 2019-2020 round of its two funding programs, ADU’s community of active researchers set to work preparing proposals. The ORSP is pleased to report that a total of 25 proposals have been submitted by ADU faculty.

These prestigious funding programs provide higher education faculty with seed funding of up to AED 1,000,000 to conduct research over two or three years. Funding decisions for the Abu Dhabi Awards for Research Excellence (AARE) and the Abu Dhabi Young Investigator Award (AYIA) are based on the feasibility and originality of the proposal, as well as the qualifications of the researchers.

The ORSP would like to extend its appreciation to all participating faculty for their significant effort and determination and looks forward to continuing its support.

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