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ADU’s Tolerance Day celebrates tolerance and diversity in collaboration with the Department of Community Development

Abu Dhabi University organized ADU’s Tolerance Day in collaboration with the Department of Community Development as part their Year of Tolerance initiatives. Hosted by ADU, the 2-day event aimed to promote values of tolerance among students and ADU community and celebrate cultural diversity through various activities.

Abu Dhabi University organized ADU’s Tolerance Day in collaboration with the Department of Community Development as part their Year of Tolerance initiatives. Hosted by ADU, the 2-day event aimed to promote values of tolerance among students and ADU community and celebrate cultural diversity through various activities. Students of the Islamic Culture course under the supervision of the College of Arts and Sciences displayed numerous projects and activities reflecting the spirit of cultural diversity and positive moral values including games and fun activities that reinforce ethical values as well as interactive creative posters and artifacts. The event included an exhibition held by the Department of Community Development depicting the history of tolerance in the UAE by highlighting the existing places of worship in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi as well as a lecture entitled "Tolerance and National Identity in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi" by Dr. Mohammed Habash from the Department of Community Development, which stressed the co-relationship between the concepts of tolerance and national identity.  

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