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ADU Wins Awards at Science Festival, ADSF2020

ADU‘s participation in the Abu Dhabi Science Festival ,ADSF2020 organized by ADEK, was well appreciated and ADU received two awards - one for ADU’s scientific booth named ‘Science Scavenger Hunt’ and the other for the participation of the ADU Science Communicators.

ADU‘s participation in the Abu Dhabi Science Festival ,ADSF2020 organized by ADEK, was well appreciated and ADU received two awards - one for ADU’s scientific booth named ‘Science Scavenger Hunt’ and the other for the participation of the ADU Science Communicators.

The College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) provided 120 students to act as Science Communicators for the festival in Abu Dhabi and 32 for the festival in Al Ain. The staff of CAS under the guidance of Dr.Jolly Jacob, Chair of the Department of Applied Sciences managed ADU’s participation at ADFS2020. Student volunteers led by Youcef Trichine, volunteer coordinator from the Student Engagement Office conducted the workshop in the booth. Scavenger Hunt is a timed group activity designed to enable children to visualize, experience, and simulate basic science concepts, igniting their curiosity through hands-on experience in various fun experiments. By participating as Science communicators and booth volunteers, our students could enhance their communication skills and team spirit along with their knowledge.

Congratulations to the CAS team for their energy and dedication in making this event a success.

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