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ADU Professor Receives US Patent in The field of Quantum Computing

ADU's Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering in the College of Engineering (CoE), Dr. Montasir Qasymeh, has received a U.S. patent registered under “10,824,048 B2” to develop a first-of-its-kind device that will be capable of connecting superconducting quantum computers over significant distances.

ADU's Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering in the College of Engineering (CoE), Dr. Montasir Qasymeh, has received a U.S. patent registered under “10,824,048 B2” to develop a first-of-its-kind device that will be capable of connecting superconducting quantum computers over significant distances; this goes alongside several patents awarded to other members of the College.

Superconducting quantum computers are the extraordinary computers of the future that will surpass all current ones - and achieve ultrasensitive sensing and unattackable quantum communication networks. Unlike today’s conventional computers, quantum computers can process huge amounts of data and perform computations in powerful new ways that were never possible before. Potential applications of quantum computing include accelerating innovations in artificial intelligence and machine learning and tackling future cybersecurity challenges.

Dr. Qasymeh’s device is composed of graphene; a substance that has been hailed as a “miracle material” due to its electrical properties and the fact that it is the world’s thinnest and second strongest material. Graphene has already innovated the technology sector and is being applied today to laptops, smartphones and headphones. Dr. Qasymeh has been working with graphene for the past seven years and has numerous publications that have studied this substance. The device converts a quantum microwave signal containing data to a laser beam using carefully designed graphene layers that are electrically connected and subjected to a laser pump. 

Dr. Montasir Qasymeh said: “I am humbled and honored to be granted this U.S. patent. This invention will advance the field of quantum computingtaking us one step further towards the quantum age.”

He also added: “The coming era is an era of knowledge wealth, that brings with it the opportunity to advance all of humankind. I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to Abu Dhabi University for supporting this project and providing my team with access to its purpose-built academic facilities. I am proud and grateful for Abu Dhabi University’s continued investment in research.”

Dr. Hamdi Sheibani, Dean of the College of Engineering at ADU commented: “We are extremely proud of yet another accomplishment from Dr. Montasir Qasymeh. This U.S. patent for one of our professors is evidence of ADU’s culture of innovation and our continued commitment to the UAE Government’s national agenda to diversify our economy and strengthen our research and innovation sector. The College of Engineering at Abu Dhabi University is committed to supporting educators who serve as role models and mentors to their students and peers by leading with example through their teaching and research.”

The project was developed with the funding of two important grants: the Abu Dhabi Education and Knowledge Department (ADEK) Award for Research Excellencefor the research proposal “Graphene-Based Modulator for Passive Transmission and White Light  Communications”; and the Takamul grant from the Department of Economic Development, which was awarded for patent filling.

Dr. Qasymeh received a Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada in 2010. From 2010 to 2011, he was Mitacs Elevate Postdoctoral Fellow at the Microwave Photonics Research Laboratory, University of Ottawa, Canada. He joined Abu Dhabi University in 2011, where he continues to teach and research. With over 10 years of experience in the education and research industry, he has published more than 40 articles in reputed refereed journals and international conferences and has led on 4 U.S. patents (1 Issued and 3 pending). He has attracted a significant amount of research funding (approximately AED 1.8 million) including 2 ADEK awards for research excellence.

During his tenure with Abu Dhabi University, Dr. Qasymeh has taught more than 17 different undergraduate and graduate courses. He is an active member of several national and international scientific committees and is a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology. He is currently working on topics that include novel terahertz waveguides, room temperature quantum devices and ultrafast modulators.

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