Founded in 1913, Beta Gamma Sigma (BGS) is the international business honor society for AACSB-accredited schools, which are the top 5% of business schools around the world. Inducted as students, BGS members go on to serve in critical leadership roles in corporate, entrepreneurial, government, non-profit, and academic sectors. BGS has over 830,000 members, selected from over 600 collegiate Chapters, in business schools accredited by AACSB International.

Notable members include Nobel Prize winners, Olympians, inventors, CEOs of major global companies and non-profit organizations, deans of the top business schools, and others who are contributing to making the world a better place through social enterprise, service, and leadership.


Collegiate Chapter Activities

I. BGS-ADU Chapter Speaker Series

Our Distinguished Speaker and Guest Speaker series regularly hosts speakers from a variety of sectors


The objectives of these speaker series are to:

  • Bring high-profile corporate leaders to the College of Business, and to share insights on current business practices and corporate strategies
  • Discuss emerging trends with students, faculty, and staff
  • Enhance corporate connections for internships and job placements etc.
  • Provide opportunities to network with corporate leaders
  • Develop future business leaders


Distinguished Speaker Series


Guest Speaker Series

We have invited guest speakers from top companies in the region, including twofour54, Siemens, Etisalat to name a few.


II. BGS-ADU Chapter Mentorship Program

To aid in the career development of BGS inductees, the Chapter initiated its unique two-tier mentorship program. In the first tier, BGS faculty inductees will serve as mentors to BGS postgraduate inductees; in the second tier, BGS postgraduate inductees will mentor the undergraduate inductees.


III. BGS-ADU Chapter Executive Shadowing Program

Our BGS students successfully shadowed the top executives of UAE based companies, including Schlumberger, Emaar Hospitality Group LLC, Dubai, and Asqalan Construction Group, Abu Dhabi, to learn on-the-job about management and leadership skills.


IV. BGS-ADU Gives Back

Since 2018, the BGS - ADU Chapter has been bettering the community in a variety of ways as part of ‘BGS Gives Back’. One of the unique initiatives is to encourage entrepreneurial skills among school students in the UAE through simulation case-based training. The initiative is a testimony to the BGS principles. It also supports the UAE Vision 2021 National Agenda, which strives to instill an entrepreneurial culture in schools and universities promoting leadership, creativity, responsibility, and ambition.

The simulation case-based training, incorporating the essential elements of small business management, is delivered by BGS faculty to school students in years 11-13. The students run a small family hotel in a seasonal environment with one established market and an option to expand to a new market with different demographics.

The activity duration is one year, and BGS faculty mentor the students in an online simulation game. The activity enables the students to gain practical experience in running a small business in a competitive environment using their business skills. It helps strengthen their teamwork and problem-solving skills and creates future entrepreneurial aspirations. We hope to continue this initiative and extend it to other schools in the UAE and the GCC.

A BGS alumna from New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), USA, recently received the Fulbright U.S. Scholarship to the UAE for Gender Equality Research under Prof. Fauzia Jabeen’s mentorship.


V. Global Leadership Summit

BGS-ADU Chapter has been an active participant in the Global Leadership Summit.

  • Student Officers participated in the 2017 and 2018 Global Leadership Summit.
  • Student Officer, Aizah Amir, participated in the BGS Global Leadership Summit, Orlando, Florida, in November 2017
  • Student Officer, Lukas Christian Christnacht, participated in the BGS Global Leadership Summit, Chicago, in November 2018 and 2019.


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