Founded in 1913, Beta Gamma Sigma (BGS) is the international business honor society for AACSB-accredited schools, which are the top 5% of business schools around the world. Inducted as students, BGS members go on to serve in critical leadership roles in corporate, entrepreneurial, government, non-profit, and academic sectors. BGS has over 830,000 members, selected from over 600 collegiate Chapters, in business schools accredited by AACSB International.

Notable members include Nobel Prize winners, Olympians, inventors, CEOs of major global companies and non-profit organizations, deans of the top business schools, and others who are contributing to making the world a better place through social enterprise, service, and leadership.


BGS Frequently Asked Questions

Beta Gamma Sigma is an international business honor society that recognizes outstanding business students at institutions accredited by AACSB International - The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. It is not a fraternity.

Students recognized at business schools accredited by AACSB International must meet specific academic criteria.

General membership eligibility criteria are as follows:

  • Undergraduate level – top 10%
  • Graduate level – top 20%
  • Doctoral level – after all program requirements are met

Please note: Some chapters have more restrictive criteria for membership.

Students pay a one-time $75 lifetime membership fee when they accept the invitation to join BGS. BGS does not charge any additional annual dues or fees. This one-time fee covers membership materials like certificates, lapel pins, and the new member guide. More importantly, it funds the programs, network, and member benefits that are available to you for life. No other honor society offers the comprehensive support that Beta Gamma Sigma gives you in all stages of your life and career.

List your membership on your resume, LinkedIn profile, social media, and career sites to show potential employers your outstanding academic achievement and your commitment to business excellence. Programs like the Global Leadership Summit, Ethical Leadership Certification Program, and Master Class Series for alumni members add even more value to your resume. The Alumni Network is the key to getting this impressive resume into the right hands. Beta Gamma Sigma boasts a vast global network of over 30 formal alumni chapters and over 50 informal networking groups to date. These groups build ongoing opportunities into your BGS membership that can take your career forward.

Prospective Members
Click here to learn about benefits of Beta Gamma Sigma membership.

Beta Gamma Sigma encourages collegiate and alumni members to stay involved in their chapters through leadership and programming. Joining your chapter’s team of Chapter Officers is a great way to develop leadership and bring your talents to your local membership. BGS Gives Back is a service activity encouraged—though not required—by many chapters on a regular basis. BGS also has alumni chapters and networks around the world, which regularly host networking and service opportunities.

ConnectBGS, our dedicated global online community, is a great place to build relationships, discuss business trends, find and share job opportunities, set up mentoring relationships, and collaborate and network with like-minded business leaders. For more ways to connect and keep up with BGS, follow us on social media: LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.

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