Academic Programs for Military Colleges

The Academic Programs for Military Colleges is a strategic academic partnership between Abu Dhabi University and GHQ Armed Forces of the United Arab Emirates.

Its aim is to produce highly qualified graduates to meet the future needs of GHQ.

The best choice for students across all Emirates

The Vision

The Academic Programs for Military Colleges represents a strategic and academic partnership between Abu Dhabi University and GHQ Armed Forces of the United Arab Emirates, with the aim to produce highly qualified graduates to meet the future needs of GHQ. The partnership began in 2009 with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

The best choice for students across all Emirates

The Mission

The Academic Programs for Military Colleges aims to develop high quality standards and exceptional professionalism in both military and civil courses, as well as equip individuals with knowledge and skills in the areas of planning and analysis, enabling them to solve problems and perform their duties and responsibilities with dedication and accuracy.

Abu Dhabi University

Academic Programs for Military Colleges


What are the required documents to enroll in an undergraduate program?
Letter of Acceptance from the Joint Command and Staff College

  • A certified copy of official general secondary or high school certificate or its equivalent
  • Passport copy
  • A copy of Khulasat Al Qaid (Family Book)
  • Six (6) passport-sized photographs in civilian clothes
  • Evidence of passing the courses previously studied in one of the military colleges (Zayed II Military College, Khalifa Air College or Naval College)
  • Completed application for the Bachelor’s program

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