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Abu Dhabi University Hosts Innovation, Entrepreneurship Training in Partnership with Ministry of Education

Abu Dhabi-UAE: 11 July, 2018 – Abu Dhabi University (ADU), an internationally recognized academic institution for quality education and applied research, in partnership with the Expert Committee for Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the Ministry of Education, hosted a crash course on design thinking for the faculty of several universities.

Held at ADU’s Dubai campus, the workshop was part of phase one of the Ministry’s joint initiative with Stanford University that seeks to qualify more than 30 faculty members to teach courses in innovation and entrepreneurship. Successful participants will proceed to phase two, set to take place at Stanford University in 2018.

Dr Ibrahim Sidawi, Director of ADU’s Dubai Campus, praised the efforts of the Ministry of Education to prepare the new generation to contribute to the UAE’s transition to a knowledge-based economy. The Ministry’s diverse initiatives leverage the latest technologies and training methods – a key element of revolutionizing global economies and academia.

Within the framework of the initiative, every year, select faculty members from public and private universities are trained to teach the course that equips students with an innovative and entrepreneurial mindset.

From previous cohorts, trained by Stanford University, the Ministry chose leading educators to form the Expert Committee for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, including Dr Anne Van Ewijk, Assistant Professor at ADU’s College of Business, and Rubina Qureshi, Course Coordinator at ADU.

The team responsible for organizing the workshop included Dr Ibrahim Sidawi, Dr Anne Van Ewijk, Bushra Mulla, Director of the Education and Social Policy Department at the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), and Ghufrana bin Sulaiman AlShihhi, Project Manager for Education Policies at PMO

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