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ADU’s BGS Honor Society Host Guest Speakers from Environment Agency & Etisalat

Abu Dhabi University’s Beta Gamma Sigma Honor Society hosted Monir Salem Bou Ghanem from the Integrated Environment Policy & Planning Agency to speak about ‘Sustainability, Green Economy and Economic Growth in the UAE’.

Abu Dhabi University’s Beta Gamma Sigma Honor Society hosted Monir Salem Bou Ghanem from the Integrated Environment Policy & Planning Agency to speak about ‘Sustainability, Green Economy and Economic Growth in the UAE’. The presentation focused on the need for a change in the mindset of humans to clean up the environment. The Honor Society also hosted Dr. Guna Rethinam, Director of Organization Design at Etisalat, as part of its Guest Speaker series. His presentation discussed the duopoly of the UAE’s telecom sector, national artificial intelligence strategies, and the evolution of the telecom sector.

Mr. Monir discussed Abu Dhabi’s role in promoting sustainable development through local and international events such as Expo 2020. He used graphics to represent the journey from 2017 until 2021 to showcase the UAE’s environmental achievements. One of the most powerful moments of the speech was when he conducted a test about people’s awareness of the plastic problem. The audience was shocked by the example of 13 million tonnes of plastic entering the world’s oceans every year. ADU students asked many questions about how to raise more awareness and help solve these environmental problems.

Dr. Guna pointed out that the UAE’s telecom sector has developed into a market sharing economy, with several providers in the market including Etisalat, Du, and Virgin. This brings many benefits to customers including improved service, price advantages, and a greater brand selection. By providing insights into how regulators have expanded their roles from core regulation to e-Enablement, Dr. Guna urged the audience to remain open to change in the strategies developed to transform the economy in the long term. e-Enablement supports improvements in public services such as eHealth, eEducation, and eGovernment.

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