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ADU’s New Students Explore Their Passions at Club Fair

Abu Dhabi University (ADU) wrapped up another successful Club Fair at the University’s Abu Dhabi campus. The long-running fair, which is organized by the University’s Student Affairs Department, showcased over 35 student organizations ranging from cultural to philanthropic to recreational.

Abu Dhabi University (ADU) wrapped up another successful Club Fair at the University’s Abu Dhabi campus. The long-running fair, which is organized by the University’s Student Affairs Department, showcased over 35 student organizations ranging from cultural to philanthropic to recreational.

Through the fair, the Student Affairs department aims to encourage students to take part in activities of interest to them and unleash their talents, as well as connect with fellow artists, scientists, and students who share their passions. In taking part, students can take leading positions in the clubs, which helps them develop interpersonal skills whilst enjoying campus life. 

The male Rugby, Chess, Talk. Express. Inspire (T.E.I.), Photography, Yemini, and Syrian clubs were introduced this semester. Newly introduced female clubs include Voice Acting, Algerian, TikTok, and Recreational. The female Desi and male Anime clubs are among the largest on campus, both with over 40 registered members.

Dr. Bianca Teats, Senior Manager in the Student Engagement Office, commented, “We pride ourselves on providing students with a rich student life experience through events like the Club Fair. It is a joy to host such events and to have the opportunity to introduce all of our students, both new and returning, to the wide variety of student clubs and activities at their disposal.”

Mohamed Bassem Kurdi, Student Leader – ADU Voice, Rugby Club, and Algerian Club, said “As an executive member of several clubs, I always look forward to recruiting new members during this event each semester. What I enjoy most about the Club Fair is that it gives clubs the chance to meet not only freshmen students, but also returning students and encourage them to get involved.”

The Club Fair takes place at the beginning of each semester to encourage student engagement and expose students to the variety of activities that are available to them. Students are also encouraged to form their own clubs if they do not find a club that matches their interests.

ADU currently has over 7,350 registered students across its four campuses - Abu Dhabi, Al Ain, Dubai and Al Dhafra Region - representing over 80 different nationalities enrolled in 50 undergraduate and postgraduate programs, all with global academic accreditation.

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