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ADU Incubation Program 2019-2020 Call for Proposals

Submit your innovation idea to the ADU Incubation program to receive a grant and mentoring support for your project.

•Submit your innovation idea to the ADU Incubation program to receive a grant and mentoring support for your project


•Open to all ADU students
•Project can be a capstone project, something you have worked on previously, or a new idea. A prototype is not required at the proposal stage



•Original idea that will result in a tangible technology component, product, or service
•Innovation projects, no research

Program details

•Four-session training program for 10 selected teams or individuals
1.Communicating your innovative idea (November 2019)
2.Implementing your innovative idea (December 2019)
3.Developing a business model (March 2020)
4.Sustaining competitive advantage (April 2020)
•Final event in June with an opportunity to present ideas to an external funding agency


•Email your idea with the attached template to


•15 October 2019
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