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College of Business Research Seminar Series

The College of Business (COB) is proud to announce the successful series of research seminar presentations organized throughout the Fall Semester 2019. These seminars have been a great avenue for knowledge sharing and exchange of research ideas among COB colleagues.

The College of Business (COB) is proud to announce the successful series of research seminar presentations organized throughout the Fall Semester 2019. These seminars have been a great avenue for knowledge sharing and exchange of research ideas among COB colleagues.

The first in the series were conducted by Dr. Galina Preobrazhenskaya on ‘Job market requirements for accounting and finance professionals: Analysis of knowledge and skills in the GCC Region’ and Dr. Hazem Marashdeh on ‘Gender and financing constraints of firms in developing countries’.

In the second seminar, Dr. Charilaos Mertzanis presented on ‘Family ties, institutions and financing constraints of firms’ and Dr. Petra Turkama shared insights into ‘Diversification of the economic base in the UAE’.

Dr. Sanjay Singh presented on ‘CRM capability, customer service flexibility and service innovation in public healthcare’ in the 3rd seminar.

The seminar series proved to be a great experience and one which the COB would like to continue in future semesters, creating opportunities for learning advancement.

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