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COB Faculty Exchange Program with Burgundy School of Business, Dijon, France

As part of the College of Business’s International Program, Dr. Fauzia Jabeen, Associate Professor of Management and Head of Engagement and Corporate Relations, was invited to teach for a week at Burgundy School of Business, Dijon, France. The teaching took place on a block week basis (3 – 7 February 2020) with other visiting professors from Canada, Taiwan, Korea, Russia, and South Africa, providing an excellent opportunity to network.

As part of the College of Business’s International Program, Dr. Fauzia Jabeen, Associate Professor of Management and Head of Engagement and Corporate Relations, was invited to teach for a week at Burgundy School of Business, Dijon, France. The teaching took place on a block week basis (3 – 7 February 2020) with other visiting professors from Canada, Taiwan, Korea, Russia, and South Africa, providing an excellent opportunity to network. 

Burgundy University 1

The purpose of the International Program is to expose students to international faculty passionate about their subject area, broadening their outlook beyond the confines of their campus. Dr. Fauzia delivered a course on ‘Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship’, incorporating engaging entrepreneurial activities including design thinking, idea pitching, business model canvas, and business plan formulation and presentation. She also presented the most recent topics, models, and processes developed by scholars in the entrepreneurship field such as cognition, metacognition, grief recovery from failure, entrepreneurial ecosystems, bootstrapping, mobile and social media marketing,  and compelling pitches.

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