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ADU Organizes Winter Camp 2020 for High School Students

Abu Dhabi University organized a two-week winter camp for young innovators. Targeted at high school students, the camp was oriented around the theme ‘Entrepreneurship: How to Start Up Your Business’, with the aim to empower them with new skills and the confidence to demonstrate an entrepreneurial mindset.

Abu Dhabi University organized a two-week winter camp for young innovators. Targeted at high school students, the camp was oriented around the theme ‘Entrepreneurship: How to Start Up Your Business’, with the aim to empower them with new skills and the confidence to demonstrate an entrepreneurial mindset.

Faculty members from ADU virtually delivered a set of different modules to participants that helped familiarize them with the process and technicalities of starting their own business and learning the strategies and tools required for each stage of the entrepreneurial journey. The program modules, which took place over four days in the first week of the winter camp and three days in the second week, through 90-minute sessions, focused on various aspects of the startup journey, using practical tools and online resources, lectures, case studies, discussions, interactive exercises, and skill development exercises.

The six modules delivered included sessions on; ‘Creating Value: Kick Start Your Business’, ‘Making meanings: Your Vision and Mission’, ‘Do It Right: Legal Requirements of Businesses in the UAE’, ‘Getting Out there: Go-to-Market Strategies and Branding’, ‘Making it Happen: Managing Entrepreneurship Projects’, as well as ‘Caring for People and Planet: How to Make Your Business Healthy, Safe and Eco-Friendly’.

Prof. Thomas J. Hochstettler ADU’s Provost, said: “We are pleased to have offered the Winter Camp, which is a brand new initiative expressly designed to provide our future leaders with a chance to begin developing their entrepreneurial skills and to experiment with their innovative ideas in a safe and friendly environment. This initiative represents a rededication on the part of ADU’s leadership to its social responsibility strategy, which is to engage actively with students, faculty, and our many partners, and to bridge the gap between schools and universities.”

“Entrepreneurship is the rocket fuel of the 21st century and markets are changing at an ever-increasing pace through digitalization and globalization. This fluidity of markets offers major opportunities for entrepreneurship and increasing awareness around the possible career trajectories among high school students is crucial in educating the young generation on the endless possibilities that await them”, Professor Hochstettler added.

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