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Student Counseling Services Response to COVID-19

The Student Affairs Department aims to provide the best possible services to ADU students, including student counseling. The Student Counseling Unit believes that a sound education should involve the student's holistic growth, which includes the social, emotional, intellectual, and physical aspects of their lives.

The Student Affairs Department aims to provide the best possible services to ADU students, including student counseling. The Student Counseling Unit believes that a sound education should involve the student's holistic growth, which includes the social, emotional, intellectual, and physical aspects of their lives. Student counselors support students in developing their interpersonal competencies and achieving academically throughout their educational journey. Further support provided includes the 'Students of Determination Service', 'Students under Academic Probation Service', 'Students at Academic Risk Service', and various counseling events and workshops.

Due to the COVID- 19 pandemic, the Student Counseling Unit introduced two new services in Fall 20-21. The 'COVID-19 Infected Students Service' is designed to ensure that students infected with COVID-19 get the support they need to maintain their academic performance during their illness.  The second newly launched service is the 'Student Wellbeing Program', which provides support to help students overcome the current crisis and safeguard their physical, emotional, and mental health.

The 'Students of Determination Service' ensures that ADU students with disabilities have access to educational opportunities equal to their fellow students. The student counselors offer friendly and confidential support and advice to students of determination, as well as to the faculty and staff working with these students.

Through academic counseling, our counselors help students make successful transitions during their university life so they can achieve to the best of their abilities. Beyond support related to Covid-19, the 'Students Under Academic Probation Service' and the ‘Students At Academic Risk Service' helps students acquire the necessary skills to address their academic limitations.

During the distance learning period, the Student Counseling Unit provides services through virtual workshops, including Time Management, Overcoming Insomnia, and Mental Health Awareness. In addition, the 'Virtual First-Year Experience' workshops introduced new students to the counselors and the services they provide.

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of the Student Counseling Unit and its unique role in each student's academic journey. Nariman Naji, Senior Student Counselor, said, "The Student Counseling Units in our Abu Dhabi and Al Ain campuses conducted 328 counseling sessions during Fall 20-21. We will continue to work hard to fulfill the needs of our students to help guarantee their wellbeing and academic success."

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