Fashion Incubator

At ADUi+ Venture Lab, we host fashion entrepreneurs and founders for a simple reason. We want you to change the industry for the better and for good, and our Fashion Incubator enables you to do just that.

Abu Dhabi University’s fashion incubator can help you grow from a designer into a business owner in the fashion world helping you understand the challenges of growing a fashion business. And, like you, we know that digital, sustainable and social shifts are driving rapid change within the sector combining traditional fashion and fashion tech. 

The rise of hyper-consumerism has driven many industries and very likely fashion and the clothing industry is one of the most affected. We all know about “fast-fashion,” and its consequences. The fashion industry is responsible for 10% of annual global carbon emissions—more than the whole aviation and maritime shipping sectors combined. 20% of global waste-water comes from fabric dying and treatment, including washing machines at home. And less than 1% of used clothing is recycled.

Some very basic ecosystem improvements can change the status quo for good. Our pro-sustainability vision is turning the University’s facilities and intellectual environment into a “safe zone” for discovery, testing, and controlled risk-taking that will afford optimum opportunities for success for innovative minds.  The ADUi strategy builds on University-based research to empower both aspiring as well as seasoned fashion innovators to pursue new ways to conceptualize, manifest, and deliver product-value for a more sustainable and inclusive world. 

Recently inaugurated, and that is why you didn’t hear about us before, we can help you with your high-tech innovation ambitions, connect you with fabs and labs to test your designs, and train and educate you in the tactics that will help you grow your designs and business. 

Through our fashion incubator, we support students, faculty, families, young and retired innovators and people willing to open their businesses and stores.

And if you are a corporate or government innovator, we can help you create your project within your corporation or agency. 

ADUi Venture Lab and its teams provide a range of essential support to startups such as the creation of a 3D printable drawing of a prototype, to the arrangement of dedicated working space, the development of a website, or the support in obtaining a trade license.

If you are ready to start, contact us.

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